Junk & Demolition Pros, Dumpster Rentals

Junk & Demolition Pros, Dumpster Rentals

Home & Garden Services
7867 Leary Way NE #C
Redmond WA 98052

Junk Pros is a Licensed, Bonded and Insured Demolition company based in downtown Redmond. We can save you money on light demolition inside and outside of your home. If you’re remodeling your bathroom or kitchen, we can bring it down to its raw state so its ready for the contractor. Our demolition pros can take down an old deck, remove smoke or water damaged drywall, or even get rid of that old shed in your yard. Our all-inclusive pricing is far cheaper than a contractor, and we can tackle any home or commercial space with ease.


7867 Leary Way NE #C 98052


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Tags: Dumpster Rental, Junk Removal, Demolition
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